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Employment Opportunities




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Our company is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment, we ensure the safest workplace possible for our employees, subcontractors, and others.


A&AC Landscaping understands that proper planning is a critical path to laying out the foundation for a successful project. We carefully and systematically plan, implement and enforce proper safety techniques to establish and maintain a safe working environment. A&AC Landscaping’s goal is to establish and maintain a safe working environment.


The safety of our employees and commitment to the environment depends directly upon individual effort and commitment to the objectives of our safety program. Safety is a cooperative undertaking requiring participation by everyone.


The successful operation of our company will depend not only on sales and service, but also on how safely each job is performed. Through training and education programs, we provide our associates with the tools, knowledge and resources they need to increase safety and work healthy.


Including but not limited to:


Hazard Prevention Training

Drug and alcohol testing

On Site Safety Inspections

“Tool Box” Safety Meetings

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